Fillers, more than lips

Fillers have been around since the 80’s in the US.  Pretty much everybody knows that they are used to improve wrinkles in the face. Many think of plumping lips when injectables are mentioned a la the Kardashian Klan or.  But fillers are so much more than that.

Putting it simply, filler improves the appearance by taking up space.  Not unlike air that inflates a balloon by taking up space inside the balloon.  We can virtually “pump you up”! But just because you can doesn’t mean you should over fill. Everybody is familiar with the Hollywood “puffy face” from over zealous filling. The key is judicious and expert placement of the right filler for the right area. The result is a natural and absolutely be spoke treatment for each and every patient.

Balance is key. Too much filler around the mouth isn’t a good look. Youthfulness is signaled by proportional volume, cheek bones balance chins and jaws. You get the idea. The injector is really an artist and an artist’s eye combined with technical expertise and a true understanding of the medical side of fillers is essential.

Non-conventional areas are great for fillers including deflated earlobes (when your earlobes flop over instead of holding up those diamond studs); sunken temples (a sure sign of aging); bony forehead (again, seen with aging especially in thin folks); hollow eyes that make you look tired when you are not; eyebrows that sag; chins that are too small for one’s face and jawlines that are weak or undefined whether due to genetics or age.

One of the concerns I hear alot is that people don’t want to look “done”. Most really want to look great and still be themselves, whatever age that is. This is totally doable with a little planning with your injector. Let them know your goals. Question them on their plan. If you are unsure, get another opinion. And of course you can always start slow! Baby steps. A little filler can go a long way when well done. If you need/want more result then a little more filler is added, until the goal is achieved.

Almost all of the FDA approved fillers will naturally diminish over a period of many months to a year or more. You don’t have to run to your dermatologist all the time to keep it up. Once or twice a year for maintenance is ideal and at these visits adjustments can be made to ensure that your look is always natural as time goes on.


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