Me, Brian and Type 1 Diabetes

When Brian, my baby, got sick he was 21 (but still my baby). The diagnosis came quickly, he was losing weight, urinating a lot and craving sugar. He texted me “Mom, I think I have diabetes”. The possibility was terrifying because my family knew all about diabetes. I had lost my mother, Brian’s Nana, to this disease after years of stuggling with insulin injections, blood sugars, emergency rooms and ambulances….long before the insulin pumps and glucose monitors. All I could say to my worried son was “It isn’t like Nana”. The next day with a fasting blood sugar of over 400, Brian got his first shot of insulin, a mini course on carb counting and a whole new way to live. We all cried, me, Brian and the doctor, we were all afraid of what this would mean for a him.

Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) is not like the more common Type 2. Type one is genetic and autoimmune. The body decides one day to attack itself, targeting the cells that make insulin. When there is no insulin, cells cannot absorb the sugar that they need to survive. Whithout insulin a person with Type 1 dies. No amount of dietary control will prevent it.

Over a hundred years ago in Canada, insulin was first isolated and used to treat a child with Type 1, and miracle of miracles, she survived. But insulin alone is not enough, most (like my mom) suffer severe concequences, damage to eyes, limbs, hearts and kidneys. Not to mention the heavy burden of living minute to minute with the sickening lows and highs of blood sugar levels. Always aware of what and when you should and should not eat. Imagine being a little kid, or a college student or an athelete or anyone having that pressure, knowing that even if you manage it all perfectly you will not escape unscathed.

How do we fix this?? That was my question as a mom and on a different level, as a scientist and a doctor.

I was introduced to JDRF early on. JDRF is the number 1 funder of research to find a cure for T1D and improve the lives of those living with it. That sounded good to me. Early on I started fundraising< wanting to do something to make a difference in Brian’s life. Then I realized that I can do more. I can contribute to spreading the word about T1D. I can communicate the fantastic research that JDRF is supporting that is screaming towards a cure. I can read and understand the science and then turn around and explain it in digestable terms.

So that is what I am doing! You are welcome to join me at the AZ Type One Nation Summit! There are many of these summits around the country. They are wonderful to attend if you or anyone you love is living with T1D. Hope to see you there!


Type One Nation!